wich Mods are not compatible with Hof Bergmann / Talbach
not compatible with Hof Bergmann / Talbach
- Production Revamp
- Grease Addon (Schmierfett)
- Exhaust Extension
- Realistic Refueling
- Langsameres Entladen
- BuyMoreAnimals
- Platzierbare Tierstallungen
- AnimalIncrease
- Verbesserte Erntevernichtung
- FS22_AIVehicleExtension
- FS22_UpgradableFactories
- FS22_MultiCropGreenhouses
- Crop Rotation
- FS22_TwineAddon
- Mehr Produktionen (Erweiterung auf 120 Produktionen)
- FS22_Through_The_Years
- FS22 ManualAttach - optical failures with connection hoses from LSFM - reported server crashes
- TerraLife (and additions)
possible but with warnings or errors useable (not recommended)
- FS22 REA-Implements
- FS22 REA
- Courseplay ab V optical failures in combination with LSFM FarmEquipment Pack
- FSS EnhancedVehicle (disfunction and error when useing bale crane at pig stable - only when activated differencials in EV)
- FS22_enhancedMixerWagons (often crashes with too many hightypes - espacialy in combination with Maize+)
earliest from release and later compatible (with restrictions - not recommendet)
- Pumps n' Hoses Pack
- Platinum Expansion DLC
minimimum releases necessary for compatibility with Hof Bergmann / Talbach (sometimes with restrictions)
- RealDirt from release compatible with Hof Bergmann / Talbach
- RealDirtParticles from release compatible with Hof Bergmann / Talbach
- Enhanced Animals only from release from 20.03.2024 compatible with Hof Bergmann V 1.4 and Talbach